Study abroad

Studying abroad not only provides the opportunity to study complementary courses in Environmental Science, but also provides many new life experiences. The experience is often considered a valuable merit when applying for a job, as well as improving students’ language skills.

Many students find it exciting to experience a different country and culture. There are many opportunities to study abroad, both near and far. Stockholm University has many central agreements with universities all over the world. All students at Stockholm University can apply for these agreements.

Exchange studies (central agreements Stockholm University)

The Department of Environmental Science has its own agreements, too. We have Erasmus agreements with some universities in Europe, and also a faculty agreement with a university in Singapore.

Agreements and Networks (Department of Environmental Science) 


Exchange Studies at the Department

There are currently Erasmus agreements with three prominent universities in Germany, but several agreements are underway. Sometimes there may also be places left on other scientific institutions’ agreements, so get in touch if you are interested in another agreement. Existing agreements in Environmental Science:

Nanyang Technological University of Singapore

Aachen University in Germany

University of Bayreuth in Germany 

Goethe University Frankfurt in Germany

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich in Switzerland

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany

Environmental Sciences/Geo-ecology at KIT (with courses in English)



Contact our exchange coordinator to apply for exchange studies at one of the department’s agreements.



Exchange coordinator
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