Field Stations

We have measurements at several stations around the world. Some stations belong to us, some are in cooperation with other research groups.

For specific enquiries, please contact the person(s) responsible for the facility of interest.


Chacaltaya research station

Particle measurements at 5.2 km altitude in Bolivia.

A number of research groups from France (LGGE, LSCE and LaMP), Italy (ISAC), Germany (TROPOS), Sweden (SU – ITM) and Switzerland (PSI) have combined their efforts to support the initiative led by the Universidad Mayor de San Andres to install unique infrastructure for documenting the variability of the atmospheric composition at Mt. Chalcaltaya (5240 MSL). The US NASA GSFC has joined this group of institutions helping with implementation of a fully functional lidar system in Cota-Cota, at only 22 km from Chacaltaya. For this region, information on the atmospheric composition is largely unknown due to the lack of observations.  Measurements at the station started in December 2011 and include monitoring of gases (CO2, CO and O3), characterization of aerosol particle properties (absorption and scattering coefficients, number size distribution, chemical composition, and small ions) as well as radiation and meteorology. For the first time, an atmospheric observatory provides data on the composition of the free troposphere in the tropics in the southern hemisphere on a seasonal to annual basis. The CHC station is part of the WMO-GAW network.

Radovan Krejci


Maldives Climate Observatory

A receptor/background observatory for atmospheric and climate studies in South Asia

The Maldives Climate Observatory – Hanimaadhoo (MCOH) is a background site for atmospheric and climate studies in South Asia, strategically located southwest of the subcontinent in the Indian Ocean. It is owned by the Government of Maldives and jointly operated by the Maldives Meteorological Services (MMS) and the MCOH International Science Team. The MCOH provides state-of-the-art measurements of the composition of the atmosphere over the Indian Ocean. It is a receptor site of long-range transport of pollutants (the atmospheric brown cloud) from emission regions of South Asia, SE Asia, Middle East and Africa. MCOH has now accumulated an invaluable 15-yr time series record and is regularly hosting intensive campaigns (e.g., ABC, APMEX, MAC, CARDEX, SAPOEX). MCOH-related research has inspired fundamental new knowledge on anthropogenic and natural aerosols and their interaction with clouds, the monsoon system and other parts of the perturbed regional climate system (see MCOH literature list at the back). There are good opportunities to expand MCOH activities in the near future, including for studies of aerosols, aerosol-cloud interactions, greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances, radiation – coupled to synoptic observations at sites on the mainland.

Örjan Gustafsson


Navarino Environmental Observatory

Particle measurements on the Peloponnesian peninsula in Greece.

Radovan Krejci,


Norunda research station

Background station for aerosol particles at the ICOS site in Björklinge.

Radovan Krejci


Urban sites

Air quality monitoring. Stockholm and Uppsala counties in collaboration with the Eastern Sweden Air Quality Association and SLB, and in addition Malmö and Umeå.

Emelie Graham


Zeppelin research station

Zeppelin research station in Svalbard for Arctic research.

Radovan Krejci


Åre research station

Our research station on Mt. Åreskutan in Central Sweden. It has been used for several field campaigns since its construction in 1986. Most of the measurements made have been related to cloud studies as the station very often is surrounded by clouds.

Johan Ström
Paul Zieger



Aerosol and turbulence measurements at the ICOS site on an island in the Baltic Sea.

Douglas Nilsson